Why Runnertooth?

My name is Kate, and I'm a dentist (.. hence "tooth") who likes to run (.. hence "runner"). Whatever, all the other blog names I wanted were taken.

I am currently training for my second marathon - the Pittsburgh Marathon, May 2016.

A little about me:

  • Originally from Boston, spent 4 years in Connecticut for dental school, now a Yinzer (secret code for Pittsburgher, unknown to anyone outside of western PA)
  • Engaged to a handsome boy named Brian, getting married in April
  • Mom to a little hairy daughter (German Shepherd puppy) named Sammy, who deprives us of sleep more than I ever thought possible

I like other things besides running. Stereotypical late-twenties-chick things like cheese, red wine, and trashy TV. Nerdy sci-fi/fantasy books. Nutritionally-devoid carbohydrates. Sleeping. Singing to 90s karaoke tracks when I'm alone in my car.

I follow a bunch of blogs by super fast girls who can do really amazing things, meanwhile I'm over here like "where are the blogs by people with crappy knees who think mile times starting with 8 are pretty impressive?" If you were thinking that too, search no more... I've got you covered.

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