Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 1

Today is day 1 of my marathon training cycle. The marathon is in 6 months. Excessive? Perhaps. (I like to think of it as "enthusiastically prepared.")

My training plan for the next 6 months is something I'll explain in a post sometime soon. Basic plan for the next 2 months or so is base building. I ran the EQT 10 miler last week, so I could keep my long run in the double digits from here on out, but my training plan calls for 5 days per week of running, and I've been averaging about 3 recently. I'm planning to back down on the long run mileage and focus on getting used to more dpw of running. Long runs from here through the end of the year are 7-10 miles each, nice and easy.

So today was the first of my Monday Easy 3s. I met up with a friend for a few reservoir loops at around 8:30 this morning. FOG CITY.

Something that has been bothering me lately is the discrepancy between any GPS app on my phone vs. my Garmin. I wore my watch and C had MapMyRun going on her phone, and we wound up with a 0.17mi difference between us. The Garmin is ALWAYS longer than any GPS app on my phone (I used to use Log Your Run). In the absence of any certified race course... what does this mean?! Is map my run short? Is Garmin long? Is the actual length somewhere in the middle? This honestly bothers the heck out of me, since by my watch we ran a 10:01 average pace, and by her phone we ran a 9:36. Those are legitimately different paces for me as far as effort/etc is concerned, so I would really like to know which one is right. Sigh.

Anyhow, I tend to go with the less impressive of the two stats so I don't give myself false hope about my fitness level. According to Garmin, our splits were 10:43 (including a stop so C could fix her shoe)/10:01/9:19.

(To be honest, the effort level felt more like what C's phone was showing -10:00/9:34/9:19/8:06 last 0.17. But running in the morning before I've eaten or had coffee is always more difficult for me, so maybe that's the difference in effort?)

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