Thursday, February 11, 2016

"Just a half marathon..."

Since I last blogged forever ago, I officially changed my registration for the Pittsburgh Marathon in May and "dropped down" from the full to the half.

It was a decision that was tougher to make than I would like to admit. There was something defeating about saying I was "only" going to run a half marathon, which is ridiculous, since just last year a half marathon seemed like a solid challenge.

Realistically though, I'm getting married the first week in April and am traveling almost every weekend until May 1st for wedding prep/bridal shower/bachelorette party/WEDDING/honeymoon/etc. I really did not want to be worrying about when and how I was going to fit in a certain amount of miles in any given week. I really REALLY did not want to feel like I had to slog through a 20 mile run on my honeymoon. And furthermore, I'm trying to lose a few pounds before the wedding and I did NOT want to be stressing out about how much I was or wasn't eating to fuel all of those miles. So bottom line, it just wasn't realistic this year. 

It took me awhile to admit it though.. and part of me still feels ashamed to say I'm only running the half this year. Trying really hard to change that mindset and be proud of the miles I AM running, not ashamed of the ones I'm not.

Ever "dropped down" to a shorter race distance? Did it bother you? Any words of wisdom?

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